DHC Provincial Chaplain

Rt. Rev. David C. Bryan

Shelly Sorem
Email DHC President

Susan Sutton
Vice President
Email DHC VP

Dian Ray Treasurer, Webmaster
Email Treasurer

Lorraine Hitchcock Secretary, DAL Chair
Email DHC Secretary

Cindee Herlocker
Finance Chair, Grants & Scholarships Chair
Email Finance Chair

Sandy Bunting Membership Liaison
Email Sandy

Linda DaSilva
Membership Chair
Email Membership Chair

Karen Fezzey
Communication Chair
Email Karen

Maggie Rollins Membership Liaison
Email Maggie

Pam Knight
Assembly Chair & Retail Chair Email Retail Chair

Barbara Mattick Editor of The Holy Cross PH: (877) 682-3049 Email Editor of the Holy Cross

Barbara Mattick
Editor of The Holy Cross
Email Editor of the Holy Cross

Sharon Schier Membership Liaison
Email Sharon

Please call (877) 682-3049 to to leave a message for any council member.