Meditations oN Holy Days
We are blessed by our outstanding Bishops in the ACNA. Some of our most avid supporters of DHC have agreed to take time out of their busy lives to attend our assemblies, pray for all Daughters and support us in many ways. The DHC Provincial Council is honored to be able to share with you meditations/devotionals on Holy Days over the upcoming year.
Bishop David Bryan, begins our series of devotionals with a Meditation on Holy Cross Day
Bishop David Bryan - Holy Cross Day
Our Second Devotional is for the Feast of St. Luke on October 18 from Bp. Keith Ackerman. Click to view Bp Ackerman meditation on the Feast of St. Luke.
Bishop Keith Ackerman - Meditation on the Feast of St. Luke
Rev. Bryan Martin - Feast of St. Andrews
Canon Georgette Forney - Feast of Holy Innocents
Bp. Ray Sutton - Confession of St. Peter