5th DHC Provincial Assembly 2024
September 12-15, 2024
Ridgecrest Conference Center, Black Mountain, NC
Everyone who attended the 5 Provincial Assembly was truely blessed! Our theme is “Grace Upon Grace” from John 1:16 For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. We celebrated the 15th anniversary of the formation of the Order of the Daughters of the Holy Cross by renewing our DHC vows.
Our DHC Chaplain Bp. David Bryan along with Bp. Mark Lawrence. Led teaching sessions as well as New Wineskins Jenny Noyes. There was time to gather with other daughters for fellowship and prayer as well as time to spend alone with the Lord, walk the beautiful grounds and see the native wildlife and visit the charming town of Black Mountain.
2024 Fifth Provincial Council Reports
2024 Business Meeting Minutes
2024 By-law Admendments The minutes of the voting on by-laws changes.
2022-2024 Financial reports
5th Provincial Assembly Chair Pam Knight
Ridgecrest Conference Center in Black Mountain, North Carolina, was the location of the Provencial Assembly of the Daughters of the Holy Cross, held September 12-15, 2024. The theme of the Assembly was “Grace upon Grace,” which we experienced repeatedly during our time at Ridgecrest. Friendships were rekindled, prayers were answered, and the beauty of God’s handiwork in the Blue Ridge Mountains was on display all around us.
There were 110 Daughters and clergy in attendance. We were blessed to welcome our chaplain, Bp. David Bryan, and our former chaplain, Bp. Mark Lawrence, who conducted our services and preached. Bp. Bryan taught a break-out session on how to foster community as we seek to evangelize and disciple others. Bp. Lawrence led an exploration of the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives. We were also honored to have Jenny Noyes from New Wineskins speak on “Be, See, and Share the One” and lead a break-out session “An Anglican Introduction to Missions” with our president, Shelly Sorem.
The purpose of the assembly is to take care of the business of The Order. During that time, the delegates voted on changes to the by-laws and a new Provincial Council was elected. The new Council met and chose officers. Lorraine Hitchcock will be our new president.
We ended our time at Ridgecrest with a Holy Eucharist and installation of our new Council. Afterwards we enjoyed a Southern buffet and a few rounds of Bible Jeopardy that were challenging and heated at times. We celebrated the outgoing members of the Council, especially our president, Shelly Sorem. Shelly was given a lifetime DHC membership from the Council as a thank you for her tireless work for The Order. She has touched all our lives in a profound way and has been a role model of servant-leadership. Thank you, Shelly.
If you were not able to join us for this Assembly, put September 2027 on your calendar for the Sixth Provincial Assembly. It is a tremendous blessing to spend time together with our sisters: praying and worshiping, laughing, and singing. It does not get any better than that! A special thank you to Shelly Sorem, Lorraine Hitchcock, and Dian Ray for their hard work to help plan and put this Assembly together. Thanks to Karen Fezzey for publishing the program booklet. Thank you also to Susan Sutton, Maggie Rollins, Linda DaSilva, Karen Fezzey, Sandy Bunting, Cindee Herlocker and Barbara Mattick who tirelessly helped set up and helped people check in and get to their rooms. We could not have done this without you.